Prior Macintosh OS versions lacked this feature, so TeachText supported only a single font per document. The underlying OS required by SimpleText implemented a standard styled text format, which meant that SimpleText could support multiple fonts and font sizes. The key improvement of SimpleText over TeachText was the addition of text styling. The need for SimpleText arose after Apple stopped bundling MacWrite, to ensure that every user could open and read Readme documents.
SimpleText superseded TeachText, which was included in System Software up until it was replaced in 1994 (shipped with System Update 3.0 and System 7.1.2). Users who wanted to add sounds longer than 24 seconds, however, needed to use a separate program to create the sound and then paste the desired sound into the document using ResEdit. SimpleText can even record short sound samples and, using Apple's PlainTalk speech system, read out text in English.
In later versions it also gained additional read only display capabilities for PICT files, as well as other Mac OS built-in formats like Quickdraw GX and QTIF, 3DMF and even QuickTime movies. It can be considered similar to Windows' WordPad application. It was developed to integrate the features included in the different versions of TeachText that were created by various software development groups within Apple. SimpleText allows text editing and text formatting (underline, italic, bold, etc.), fonts, and sizes. SimpleText is the nativetext editor for the Apple classic Mac OS.

They can be used as text editors, but they have more formatting features than simple text editors. There are also free programs that act as replacements for Microsoft Word.
Notepad2 – A fast, light-weight text editor like Notepad for Windows with syntax highlighting and runs as a portable program Microsoft Word Replacements. Each editor listed will have a score, percentage, and a link to more information. The following applications are the best free HTML editors for Macintosh, both WYSIWYG and text editors, rated from best to worst. Like many text editors, it handles Markdown formatting, offering a preview view so you can see how your text will look with.

It's fast and lean, and it has the simplest design of Mac text editors. The $29.99 iA Writer is my tool of choice. Below are some text editor options you should consider for your Mac.

The program is extremely minimal and even has a 'Zen Mode' option one click away that immediately hides all the menus and windows, and maximizes the program to fill the whole screen.